Release Notes

Product Name: TeamTexter® 3.0 Mobile Application

Release Number: v3.0 SP12

Date of Release: October 5, 2024


1. Enhancement: Biometric Login


  • Issue Summary: The mobile app lacked biometric login options, such as Face ID for iPhone users and fingerprint authentication for Android users.


  • Resolution:  Biometric login has been implemented, enabling iPhone users to use Face ID and Android users to use fingerprint authentication for secure login.


  • Impacts:  Enhanced security and ease of use for mobile app users. No impact on other functionalities.



2. Enhancement: Mobile User Interface Update


  • Issue Summary: The native version of TeamTexter’s mobile application contained an outdated user interface.


  • Resolution:  The mobile application’s user interface was updated to include core functionalities like Login/Sign Up, Dashboard, Statistics, Messaging, and People management. The design focused on enhancing visual design, layout and ease of use.


  • Impacts:  No impact on other functionalities.


A screenshot of a login form

Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated