Release Notes

Product Name: TeamTexter® 3.0 Web Application

Release Number: v3.0 SP12

Date of Release: October 5, 2024


1. Bug: Opt-In and Opt-Out Not Showing Numbers Properly


  • Issue Summary: The report section was not displaying the correct numbers for opt-ins and opt-outs.


  • Resolution:  The report section has been updated to accurately reflect the correct numbers for opt-ins and opt-outs.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.











2. Bug: Password Requirements Not Displayed


  • Issue Summary: The registration page did not show password requirements when hovering over the password field.


  • Resolution:  The functionality has added to display password requirements when hovering over the password field.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.


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3. Bug: Group Hover Location


  • Issue Summary: Users had to hover all the way to the right side of the group listing to see details, rather than being able to hover directly over the group name.


  • Resolution:  The hover area has been corrected to activate when hovering over the group name itself.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.




4. Bug: Unable to Click Tag Icon on Group


  • Issue Summary: The tag icon in the Group List view was not clickable, preventing users from adding or editing tags on a group.


  • Resolution:  The tag icon is now clickable, allowing users to add or edit tags directly from the Group List view.


  • Impacts:  Enhanced functionality for managing group tags.


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5. Bug: Invalid Login Error


  • Issue Summary: When a login is incorrect, only a red "X" was displayed without any explanatory badge or message.


  • Resolution:  A descriptive error badge is now shown when a login attempt fails, providing clearer feedback to the user.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.


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6. Bug: Typo in People List


  • Issue Summary: When hovering over the "Re-send invitation" button, it displayed "Resent invitation," which was incorrect.


  • Resolution:  The tooltip text has been corrected to display "Resend invitation."


  • Impacts:  None.


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7. Enhancement: People List Pagination 


  • Issue Summary: The People List was displaying only 5 people per page, requiring excessive scrolling to find specific entries.


  • Resolution:  The number of people displayed per page has been increased to 20, enhancing the browsing experience.


  • Impacts:  Improved usability and reduced time needed to locate users in the People List.


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8. Enhancement: Add TeamTexter User to Testing Logs


  • Issue Summary: The exported texting logs did not include the TeamTexter user who sent the message, and in some cases, the exported file was blank.


  • Resolution:  The export logs now properly display the TeamTexter user responsible for sending each message. Additionally, the issue with blank exported files has been resolved.


  • Impacts:  Administrators can now accurately identify which user sent messages.




9. Enhancement: Password Change Label


  • Issue Summary: The button to reach the password change functionality within the User Profile was named Authentication, which was confusing.


  • Resolution:  The button has now been re-named Password, which will clearly state the feature within.


  • Impacts:  None.