Release Notes

Product Name: TeamTexter® 3.0 Web Application

Release Number: v3.0 SP11

Date of Release: July 6, 2024


1. Enhancement: Admin Action Buttons

  • Issue Summary: The admin action buttons ("Add User," "Save Permissions," "Add Template," "Add Workflow") were placed in the top docked bar with the global search, rather than in their respective sections.


  • Resolution:  The buttons have been relocated to their appropriate sections, ensuring consistent UI design.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.








2. Enhancement: Import Users Button

  • Issue Summary: The "Import Users" function was hidden under the "More Actions" menu, making it less accessible compared to the "Add User" button, which was more prominently displayed.


  • Resolution:  The "Import Users" function has been moved out of the "More Actions" menu and is now a button located next to the "Add User" button, similar to the "People Import" layout.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.



3. Bug: Empty White Space in Edit Group Dialog

  • Issue Summary: The Edit Group dialog box contained unnecessary blank white space, making it excessively tall and less user-friendly.


  • Resolution:  The extra blank white space in the Edit Group dialog box has been removed, reducing its height and improving its overall appearance and usability.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.



4. Bug: Reports View Responsiveness 

  • Issue Summary: The Reports view, specifically the messages detail section, was being cut off on screens 13.5 inches or smaller, affecting usability.


  • Resolution:  The Reports view has been updated to auto-adjust for smaller screens, ensuring all content is fully visible regardless of screen size.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.




5. Bug: UI Issue with Search Messages

  • Issue Summary: The search icon was overlapping the "Messages" title, causing a visual and functional issue when using the search feature.


  • Resolution:  The search icon's positioning has been corrected to ensure it no longer overlaps the "Messages" title, providing a clear and accessible search function.


  • Impacts:  No impact to the existing functionalities.




6. Bug: People List - Filter By Active

  • Issue Summary: The "Filter by Active" function in the People list was displaying all inactive people instead of only the active ones.


  • Resolution:  The filter has been corrected to ensure that only active people are shown when the "Filter by Active" option is selected.


  • Impacts:  Accurate functionality of the filtering system in the People list. 





7. Enhancement: Send/Schedule Buttons Visibility

  • Issue Summary: When sending a message, users had to scroll down to see the "Send" and "Schedule" buttons, which should be immediately visible upon opening a message conversation.


  • Resolution:  The "Send" and "Schedule" buttons have been repositioned to be immediately visible without requiring scrolling when a message conversation is opened.


  • Impacts:  None.




8. New Feature: Reports - More Messages Details

  • Issue Summary: Administrators requested additional details in the Reports section, specifically the ability to display texting volume over time using a bar graph or line graph.


  • Resolution:  Three widgets have been enhanced to show daily texting volume, now presented as bar graphs or line graphs for better visualization of texting trends over time.


  • Impacts:  Improved data analysis and decision-making. No other functionalities were affected.




9. New Feature: Copy/Paste Phone Numbers for Bulk Messaging

  • Issue Summary: Customers requested the ability to copy/paste or enter phone numbers directly and send mass texts without setting up individual contacts.


  • Resolution:  A new feature has been added to the People Listing section allowing users to import phone numbers via copy/paste, in addition to the existing spreadsheet import option. First name and last name are no longer required fields for this import method. After importing, users are prompted to send a text to the newly imported phone numbers immediately.


  • Impacts:  Saving time and effort by eliminating the need to set up individual contacts. No other functionalities were affected.




10. Bug: Page Responsiveness

  • Issue Summary: The People List page did not auto-adjust to smaller screens.


  • Resolution:  The page has been coded as responsive to account for smaller screens.

  • Impacts:  None.