Release Notes

Product Name:             TeamTexter® 2.0 Web Application
Release Number: v2.0 SP4
Date of Release:           October 6, 2022

Overview: This service pack includes minor user interface updates and new features to the web application. 

1. New Feature – Ability for Users to Change Password

  • Issue Summary:  Users didn’t have a way to self-serve change their passwords from the application.
  • Resolution: Now by clicking on the user avatar and navigating to Profile, the user can change their own password from within the application.
  • Impacts: None.


Graphical user interface, text, application

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2. New Feature – TeamTexter 2.0 Now Compatible with Oracle Recruiting Cloud

  • Issue Summary: TeamTexter 2.0 had not been successfully operational with Oracle Recruiting Cloud (ORC) due to some limitations within Oracle Recruiting Cloud.
  • Resolution: TeamTexter 2.0 has been tested with Oracle Recruiting Cloud and is working as expected with back-end coding and workarounds. 
  • Impacts:  Implementation is now available for TeamTexter 2.0 with ORC.


3. New Feature – User Login Activity

  • Issue Summary: TeamTexter support was not able to determine if accounts signed up online (as fraudulent accounts) had actual login attempts to use TeamTexter.
  • Resolution: In TeamTexter 2.0 support module, it can be seen when a user logs into the TeamTexter 2.0 application.
  • Impacts: All TeamTexter Administrators (Support) must register for 2FA to be able to login.

4. New Feature – Ability to Add to Group Through Workflow Actions

  • Issue Summary: After setting up a workflow to trigger for a certain criteria, there was no action to Add to Group.
  • Resolution: The action has been added to Add to Groups within the Workflow settings.
  • Impacts: Text recipients can now be added to Groups through Workflow Actions.

Graphical user interface, application

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5. Bug Fix – Message Listing Shows When Message Count is Clicked in Groups

  • Issue Summary: When the message count link was clicked from the Group listing, the messages would not appear in the Message list.
  • Resolution: The messages now appear when the message count link is clicked.
  • Impacts: None.

A picture containing timeline

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