1. Access the URLhttps://teamtexter.io/chrome/ 
  2. Select Get Extensions on Chrome Web Store
  3. Once installed, you will select the puzzle icon to active the TeamTexter Plug in
  4. Select to Pin the plug-in and it will display on your Chrome browserGraphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated with medium confidence
  5. Once you select the plug-in on the toolbar, you can utilize to:
    • Message with People
    • Create new People
  6. To add a person through the site, you would toggle to activate the plug inShape, rectangle

Description automatically generated
  7.  When on a page with a phone number the system will highlight the number informationGraphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated
  8. If you want to add the person, select the highlighted number and then open the TeamTexter plug in
  9. The Add People screen will display and you can update and Save
  10. To correspond with a Person who has OptedIn, you will use the mail icon to see current messages
  11. Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated
  13. 11. To log out of the plug in you can use the log out icon
  14. 12. To turn off the widget number identification, you would toggle back off