Templates allow you to create standard messaging to be used through the TeamTexter system


Building Templates

  1. From the Administration dashboard select Templates.
  2. Select Add Template

  3. Enter a Name for the template – Ensure the name is descriptive enough that you users will know how it should be used
  4. Determine where the template will be utilized (All sections, Messages, or Campaigns)
  5. Enter the verbiage for the message
  6. Available tokens are listed under the message box. When selected they will appear where the cursor is placed. 
  7. Check the box to Activate the template
  8. Select Submit

Viewing Templates

  1. From the Administration dashboard, select Templates
  2.  A listing of available templates will be displayed, to edit select edit pencil to the far right. 

  3. Make required updates and 
  4.  You will be taken back to the Message Template List screen
  5. You can also add a template using the  link