Campaigns allow a user to strategically communicate in a series of scheduled text messages based on a milestone or event


  1. From the left panel under Campaigns select Create Campaign.
  2. The Create Campaign screen will display
  3. Enter a Name for your Campaign
  4. Add any applicable Tags for the Campaign
  5. Enter the intro message for the Campaign. You can also select from your list of created Templates instead of entering a message manually
  6. Enter the schedule (Date and Time) for message delivery
  7. Select the Audience from the list of options
  8. Based on Audience selected, the recipient options will display

  9. Select the appropriate Audience
    • NOTE: multiple selections can be made from the same Audience category (ex. You can choose multiple Groups if groups is the audience category)
  10. For additional messages in the Campaign select 
  11. Enter verbiage for message or Select from Template
  12. Select the Send Date and Time or you can enter number of days after previous message to have sent
  13. Continue to add messages based on the Campaign criteria
  14. Once all messages have been created for Campaign, to activate select the A picture containing shape

Description automatically generated button
  15. Once submitted, the Campaign messaging will trigger based on the configured schedule