Tagging is a way to categorize individuals and provide descriptions that can be used in Workflows and to identify people in the organizations TeamTexter instance. 

Tags can be added:

  • When creating a new person manually
  • When viewing people in the People Listing page
  • When viewing messages to categorize the message
  • When creating a workflow


When creating a new person manually

  1. From the left panel select People
  2. On the "Add Person” page you have the option to add/edit the Tags field. You are able to add one or more tags.


When viewing people in the People List Page

  1. From the left panel select People
  2. In the Tag column for the Person, select the button
  3. In the box on the Add/Edit Tags box enter tags. You can enter multiple tags by selecting enter after each tag
  4. You can remove assigned tags by selecting the button for people with tags already assigned and using the x to remove the tag(s)

  5. Select Save to save your changes


When viewing messages to categorize the messages

  1. Select a message category from the left panel under Messages
  2. Select a conversation from the available selections
  3. Select the Tag Icon, on the top right corner. The Add/Remove Tags area will display
  4. Enter the tags and once completed select Save
  5. To view the Tagged message, select Tagged under Message
  6.  A list of messages that have been tagged will display. 
  7. You can view the tags added in the header of the message


When creating a workflow

  1. Select Administration from the left panel
  2. Then select Workflow
  3. Select "Add Workflow" 
  4. Enter the name for the Workflow
  5. Enter the criteria for the workflow. Criteria can be based on:
    • A word in a text message
    • If person contains a particular tag
    • When a person has opted In
    • If a person Opts In
    • If a person Opts Out
    • Person added to a group
  6. In then column, enter the tags you would like added based on the criteria
  7. Submit and Activate your workflow